Glasgow West End Today is an independently-owned hyperlocal* news and general interest platform covering the West End and western Glasgow. It’s small and it’s different.
The platform has become a trusted source of original and informative posts solely focused on one area of the city, its diverse communities and events. Posts range in topic from restaurant openings and business launches, to local planning matters and community happenings.
Even though the site is on a much smaller scale than established media, interest in its content has grown rapidly. As of February 2023, its social media channels and emailing list had more than 55,000 followers and subscribers.
The emphasis is always on positivity and community, and in areas away from sport and politics which are already well-catered for by mainstream outlets. Where we can, we bring readers content and stories that other media wont or can’t cover.
Like many small hyperlocal sites, the platform is constantly evolving, and the plan is for Glasgow West End Today to continue changing. Ultimately, we want to involve new writers and embed social enterprise and community interest into the fabric of the platform.
In December 2021, Glasgow West End Today parted from its founding company Hyperlocal Today, and the site is now wholly based in Scotland.
For anyone wanting to use our platform, we welcome for publication submitted press releases and photos that will engage our readers. We are constantly evolving our packages and the way we help people in an every-changing media market and challenging economic times.
* The term hyperlocal has been used in journalistic circles for more than 30 years and refers to a platform or publication that is usually independently-operated, small-scale and focused on a defined geographical area, for which it provides news or general interest content.