Our first issue is now out across the West End, and we’re busy on the second instalment.
So, we thought we’d share with you just some of things we are including in the next time around.
(Forgive us if we don’t reveal full details, but we do need to keep an element of surprise.)
- Our cover interview is with a national daytime TV personality who was born and raised in Glasgow, and who tells us she just can’t see her herself moving away from the city even though her work takes all over the UK. We’d love to tell you who it is, but it really would spoil the surprise. What we can say is she is a ‘real find’ and we ‘value’ the time she gave us.
- We celebrate 50 years of the well-known West End institution The Ubiquitous Chip. The restaurant and bar on Ashton Lane has been a constant fixture amid the city’s ever-changing food and hospitality scene. Writer Cate Devine caught up with owners Colin Clydesdale and Carol Wright.
- Staying with landmark venues, we look back at the Cottiers story as the theatre bar and restaurant celebrates a milestone. We take a look at the family album to see how the popular venue has developed from a forlorn church to much-loved music and social destination.
- On the arts, we speak to the director of Bard in the Botanics who is bringing us theatre in the park this summer and how audiences are being welcomed back to a favourite venue.
- We’re talking books this time, and we kick off a new section with a local author. We find out what inspired this writer and how his work came about.
- And for all you property fans, we hope to bring you two pages of featured homes and comment from around the West End. We’re bringing you themes and trends within the homes market which we hope will interest whether you are planning to move or not.
- There is much, much more, with local news and features and Q&As on people and places of interests.

We really hope you can join us for the next instalment.
Advertising is our sole revenue and we really hope you can support our way of promoting the West End.
Our idea is simple:to make content that is engaging and relevant and to create ta magazine that people will want to keep and engage with.
We are publishing all our magazine content on the Issuu platform, and reposting all editorial content on our website.
Our cover interview is with a national daytime TV personality who was born and raised in Glasgow, and who tells us she just can’t see her herself moving away from the city even though her work takes all over the UK
Glasgow West End Today
We have the biggest and most engaged targeted social media audience (50,000+ followers across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and e-list) which we use to promote our magazine.
The next issue will be distributed across the West End from July 7.
We are printing 10,000 copies, of which 6,000 are hand delivered direct to home addresses.
The rest are available to pick up from cafes, bars and venues across the West End.