Summer panto is coming to the West End and audiences are being warned to be on their guard for some seriously adult humour. ‘Goldilocks Goes To Greece (from July 5 to 23) is this year’s offering from the team at Òran Mór. We asked writer Andy McGregor to get us up to speed with what to expect.
First, the synopsis: “Goldie and her mum Pat are heading oot on holiday, and they’re aff to the glorious sunshine of Greece! But on their way to the airport they are spotted by the ferociously jealous Daddy Bear, who still hasn’t forgiven Oor Goldie for her outrageous porridge-based misdemeanours.
“Soon, a hilarious game of cat-and-mouse – or is that bear-and-mouse? – begins. There will be handsome princes, hysterical songs and maybe even the odd pun (or three) on the word ‘bear’… we can BEARLY contain our excitement!”

Questions to the writer:
Q. What makes a summer panto different?
A. The story is a little more original, compared to the trad Christmas fare. We have some slightly different sort of characters, but a lot of the tropes of panto remain. Crowd interaction, dames, princes and baddies and the like.
Q. What can audiences expect?
A. Our top priority is laughs! It's a really good time, an hour of fun, nonsense, original music and brilliant performers sweating profusely for your benefit.
Q. What are the key ingredients of a successful panto?
Cast chemistry, both with one another and with the audience. We have a number of new performers to the Oran Mor panto this year - who are very experienced elsewhere - and I can't wait for the audience to fall in love with them as they have done with past-panto legends in the venue!
Q. You are doing a lot or shows. That must have its pressures? What are they?
A. Keeping healthy is key, especially in times like these. The cast are all experienced enough to make sure each performance is filled with the same vim and energy throughout!

Q. Who are the actors?
A. The cast includes: Rose Graham, Ewan Somers, Fraser Boyle, Rebekah Lumsden, Chris Stuart Wilson, Jamie Hunter and David McKnight.
Q. How are rehearsals going?
A. Brill! We have made one another laugh for two weeks solid. There are worse ways to make a living.
Q. Do you have any favourite lines that you could tease us with?
A. I went into PC World the other day. You have to be careful what you say in there.
Q. You’ve written for younger audiences before, but this panto is not for young children, is that right? Can you say why not?
A. It’s certainly not for children! Although a lot of my experience in that area is used, in physicality and comic timing etc. A number of the jokes verge on the fine line between innuendo and blatant rudeness. But always with a twinkle in the eye!
Q. Why should West End audiences come along to see your panto?
A. One, you get a pie and a pint. Two, it's a perfect wee hour of escapism, watching world-class performers telling a fun story, singing silly songs and generally having a really great time.

- Andy McGregor is a writer, composure and director of shows including Spuds, A New Life, Crocodile Rock, The Rise and Inevitable Fall of Lucas Petit, Pure Freezin’, Love 2.0 and Vinyl Idol.