His favourite place was sitting outside Nick's restaurant on Hyndland Road.
He was such a fixture that even Google's Street View camera captured his feline pose.
But Monty's owners have been left distraught after the family cat was taken at around 10.15pm on Saturday evening from outside the restaurant.

Owner Abigail Harding has spoken to a neighbour who saw what happened.
He said Monty was taken by a slim blonde woman, aged about 25, who pulled up in a grey or silver car and coaxed him into a crate and drove off.
She appeared to have been helped by an older woman in her 50s who was a heavier-build, who walked off up North Gardner Street.
Monty is aged 12 years and is grey and white with distinctive markings on his head.

"The neighbour asked the blonde woman what she was doing.
"She said she was taking Monty to the vet because he didn't look well.
"She got into the car and did a U-turn and drove back down Highburgh Road.
"It looks like what happened was planned. The two women appear to have been working together.
"But the blonde woman has driven off and the older woman, who was wearing a dark coat, has headed off up North Gardner Street."
She added: "The family is very upset at what has happened.
"My nine-year-old daughter adores Monty and is very upset at his disappearance.
"We have alerted the police."
Abigail checked with the 24-hour vet service but there has been no record of Monty having been presented.
The car involved was a medium-sized, four-door model.
The witness didn't get a full registration, but its first letters were SA, which is a Glasgow plate.
The car drove up Hyndland Road and parked on the pedestrian crossing near to Nick's.
Abigail is desperate for whoever took Monty to know that he was a much-loved pet.
She said: "We just want Monty back.
"Hyndland Road and Nick's is where he loved to be.
"Please, please bring him back home."
* Abigail can be contacted on 07966 276 380