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Butchers offers classes in meat cuts and making sausages

The business already trades in Uddingston where the original shop is based and has been since 1910.

A family butchers is opening a new shop in the West End.

Donald Butchers has taken over the unit at 193 Hyndland Road - formerly Daniel Footwear - and has begun a refit.

The business already trades in Uddingston where the original shop is based and has been since 1910.

And customers get something a little bit different - other than quality meats, according to Donalds.

The shop runs classes in preparing meat and the different cuts - and also in making sausages.

The business is run by Danielle and Kevin McMillan.

Danielle told Glasgow West End Today everyone was looking forward to opening in the West End.

“We’ve looked for a long time for a second premises and we feel that Hyndland has a similar vibe and community feel that exists in Uddingston.

“Local residents are a big part of our business and we feel that Hyndland will allow us to emulate that.

“All going well, we will be opening late summer. 

“Customers can expect high quality produce including our dry aged beef most of which comes from a farm we’ve dealt directly with for over 20 years. 

“A majority of our products are made in store using traditional methods. 

“The recipes for our black pudding and haggis are the original recipes from when the shop first opened." 

Kevin McMillan takes classes in cuts and preparing meats
Kevin McMillan takes classes in cuts and preparing meats

Danielle’s uncle was a partner in the original business who took over the firm with his wife in the 1980s.

Danielle worked in the shop when she was growing up and took over its running when her uncle and aunt passed away.

Kevin was running classes at the shop in Uddingston before the Covid crisis.

Danielle said: “Kevin takes people through how to debone and prepare cuts, to making their own sausages.

“And they get to take home everything they’ve made or prepped. 

Local residents are a big part of our business and we feel that Hyndland will allow us to emulate that

Danielle McMillan

“We’re trying to design the shop in a similar fashion to Uddingston where we have a block positioned that works throughout the day for working on but which also acts a the ‘demonstration’ block for the classes.”

The arrival of a new butchers business in Hyndland is timely. 

James Allan butchers on Lauderdale Gardens has beem shut since last year.

Look out for more on the new business and when it is due to open. 

You can follow Donald Butchers on Instagram.

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