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Plans making Queen Margaret Drive cycle and walking friendly to go on public show

A number of options have been drawn up as a part of consultation document.

A consultation is under way on making travelling by bike or on foot safer in North Kelvinside.

The local community of Queen Margaret Drive has been pushing for changes to improve the lot for pedestrians and cyclists.

 Possiblility: just one of the options for Queen Margaret Drive
Possiblility: just one of the options for Queen Margaret Drive

Now Glasgow City Council (GCC) is taking up a project to enhance walking and cycling provision in the area.

A number of options have been drawn up as a part of a consultation document.

The design options include new cycle lanes, wider pavements, new road layouts and crossings.

No plans have been finalised, and the public are being asked for their views - and for any additional suggestions.

A public drop-in session has been organised for Wednesday November 22.

 New look: cycle lanes, paths and road layouts could all change depending on the options chosen
New look: cycle lanes, paths and road layouts could all change depending on the options chosen

The consultation document reads: "The aim of this event is to highlight design options available for Queen Margaret Drive and to gather comments.

"The outcome is to achieve a design that can be constructed in partnership with Sustrans and the local community.

"We are proposing a number of changes to improve the environment for cyclists, pedestrians, local residents and businesses.

"New designs could see the implementation of: Improved paths; Improved pedestrian crossings; Reallocation of road space; cycle lanes.

"This is to, Improve public space, increase the number of cyclists, increase road safety and reduce sustainable transport journey times."

 Options: all the possible new changes will be on show at the drop-in event
Options: all the possible new changes will be on show at the drop-in event

It adds: "The options available are not limited to those shown; we are welcome to new ideas and options.

"The consultation will allow acceptable designs to progress in order to achieve match funding from Sustrans in 2018/19."

A public drop in session will be held on: Wednesday November 22, 3pm-7pm, 76 Kelbourne Scout Hall, Kelbourne Street.

* An online survey/comments can be found here. Closing date: 15/12/2017

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