Welcome to our new pages dedicated to your photos.
We want to kick things off by inviting you all to share your photos with us.
Everyone, it seems, takes pictures these days.
It's just the way of the world.
We'd like to channel that creativity and invite you to submit your finest images.
Buildings, people, flowers, cats, dogs. Anything you like.
Don't send us big files. Use Dropbox, Collect or another sharing app to send your links.
And don't send more than six images - your best images. One or two is fine.
The photographs MUST have been taken within a month of when you submit them.
We want the content to be current, so don't raid your library for old snaps.
Write a little caption and date with each image.
Captions should include: What the subject is, where, and when it was taken. Put your name/credit on each.
All images must be yours and not someone else's.
The sender must have copyright and give us express permission to publish these images in a gallery.
You will retain the copyright and we will credit you accordingly for their use.
Get sending.
We are showing a few of ours to give you an idea - and may be inspire you.